8:00 PM

ABC... a little about me

My ABC's:
A= ADVOCATE FOR: Kids rights. Melaleuca home products. Starbucks Iced Americano.

B = BEST FEATURE: Hmm... I guess my eyes
C = COULDN'T DO WITHOUT: Coffee. Husband. God. Elijah.. (Not necessarily in that order)
D = DREAMS AND DESIRES: To work as a CPA from home. To travel to many more places.
E= ESSENTIAL ITEM: Sunglasses and a cup of iced coffee.
F= FAVORITE PAST TIME: Watching gilmore girl reruns, blog surfing, reading books and magazines, working out.
G = GOOD AT: Keeping a clean house

H = HAVE NEVER TRIED: Lots of foreign cuisines.
I = IF I HAD A MILLION DOLLARS: Travel the world, get a big house and have lots of kids.
J = JUNKIE FOR: Coffee....

K = KINDRED SPIRIT: My husband
L = LITTLE KNOWN FACT: I worry way to much all the time
M = MEMORABLE MOMENT: The birth of Elijah
N = NEVER AGAIN WILL I: Listen to the doctors and assume they are right when going through labor
O = OCCASIONAL INDULGENCE: Getting my nails done
P= PROVOKING THOUGHT: too tired for provokidness
Q = QUOTE: "That's what she said..." (Not mine)

R = REASON TO SMILE: Great husband, Child, and friends. God Loves me!
S = SORRY ABOUT: My anal retentiveness.

V = VERY SCARED OF: Barack Obama getting elected
W = WORST HABIT: Worrying, being crazy about keeping my house perfect

X = X MARKS MY IDEAL VACATION SPOT: Ireland, Alaska, New Zealand, and on and on...
Y = YESTERYEAR DECADE OF CHOICE: I would have loved the 20s
Z = ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn