1:18 PM

Dream a Little Dream....

I have been having the weirdest dreams possible in the last few weeks of my pregnancy. Before I got to be each night I have to brace myself for the night to come and what suprises my dreams hold in store. Never before have I had so many dreams in such a short period of time and so vivid I can recall most of them. The thing that really stinks though is that most of them are stressful or just crazy and I am upset when I wake up... I think it may be the hormones and stress of the economy and life changes lately, but I wish I could avoid these dreams.

Am I the only one to have weird pregnancy dreams? Has anyone else experienced them?...


The Real McCoys said...

Oh yeah...I definitely had them. I dreamt once that I could see the print of Gabriel's hand through my shirt. I thought "wow, that's so cool!" so I lifted up my shirt to see how it looked on my skin and lo and behold I no longer have a baby "in" my tummy, he is klinging to the outside of my tummy like a baby monkey does! Yeah...very weird. Those pregnancy hormones do some crazy stuff to me too :) You aren't crazy!